Date of Completion

Spring 5-22-2017

Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Peter J. Taylor


I started the CCT program while also beginning a new role as a Dropout Recovery Specialist, working in partnership with a local school district. I work with students who have dropped out or are at risk of dropping out explore alternative options to finish their high school diploma or an equivalent. As the newest member of the center, the transition into a new organization created an internal struggle in finding my place. I was also seeing opportunities to improve current routines and practices as demands from district partners were increasing. Overwhelmed by the challenges before me, I was struggling to determine a place to start. This project explores how tools learned from the CCT program supported my transition into a new environment and supported me in promoting organizational change and collaboration within the center, and inspired my personal growth and reflection as an outcome of this program. Three tools have been integral to this process: regular reflection, dialogue processes and action research. Throughout this synthesis, I demonstrate the process of utilizing and implementing these tools for myself and my team, the progress to date, and the implications for work in the future.
