
General Admission fee per attendee: $75

Admission to the First U-ACCESS Annual Conference includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and mid-day snack. Please have the following information available for each attendee as you will need to enter this during the purchase process: (1) name, (2) title, (3) organization, (4)type of organization or affiliation, (5) contact information including address, phone, email, and (6) meal restrictions

University of Massachusetts Boston students can apply for the scholarship sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Government for student admission. It is a first come first serve scholarship with 50 student admission slots available.

Payment method:

Advancement payment by check or purchase order, or check payment at the door. Check payment should make payable to the University of Massachusetts Boston – Office of U-ACCESS

No cash payment will be accepted.

Payment mailing address:

The Office of Urban and Off Campus Support Services
Division of Student Affairs
University of Massachusetts Boston,
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393

Please click here for registration.