Conference Overview | The Unfinished Agenda: New England Women’s Policy Conference | Center for Women in Politics & Public Policy | University of Massachusetts Boston

Conference Overview


WELCOME to the 3rd Biennial New England Women’s Policy Conference!


2018 has been called “the year of the woman,” with more women running for elective office that ever before. This conference will give us the opportunity to assess what happened in the midterms and how to build for state elections and the Presidential election in 2020. What public policies will the candidates be addressing? How can local leaders and activists from all over New England make their voices heard? How can we translate local concerns into regional policy action with national impact? It does not matter if you come from a “red state” or a “blue state”, what matters is meeting other women and men who care about creating a policy agenda that truly reflects the needs of all Americans. Come to the 3rd NEWPC to network, learn, teach, and strategize. Be the change that you want to see!


The conference attracts 450+ leaders – women and men – from diverse communities and organizations in the six New England states, including elected officials, business executives, Women’s Commission members, women’s funds, heads of non-profit organizations, union members, and grassroots advocates. Attendees are leaders and activists of ALL ages who will return to their states and work with local stakeholders from the public, private, and non-profit sectors to enact change. This conference facilitates cross-sector dialogue, learning and collaboration. Each state Women’s Commission and Women’s Fund on the Planning Committee is mobilizing the allies they work with all year long from their state. We seek broad regional involvement in shaping innovative policy solutions and stratgies.


The theme is “Ensuring Economic Security for All Women and their Families.” Given the impact of the current administration on working families, there is a widening inequality in wages and wealth. Women and their families are increasingly insecure. The conference will provide information on those groups of women in New England who are particularly vulnerable. We will address what can be done to enhance economic security - both through the public policy process and through voluntary employer policy.


  • Build bridges among diverse leaders and activists;
  • Connect stakeholders in the public, private and non-profit sectors across New England;
  • Define innovative legislative policies and public-private partnerships; and
  • Support economic justice through labor union contracts and grassroots campaigns.

We hope conference participants from all sectors will leave the conference with new information, new partners from their own state and other states, and most of all a new vision of what is possible if we all work together to create sustainable economic and social change.