Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



The objectives of this policy briefing memorandum are two-fold: first, to review the historical record concerning economic growth policies, particularly those overseen by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), and the experience with block grants for urban economic development; and, second, to discuss new roles the federal government might play in promoting the convergence of these two broad policy areas.


This is a shorten version of a policy briefing memorandum prepared for Re-examining the Federal Government's Role in the Local/Regional Economic Development Process Under the New American Federalism, a project of the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The author is grateful to Bennett Harrison for his comments on a previous draft of this paper and to Tiffany Manuel for her research assistance. The opinions and conclusions expressed in the text are the sole responsibility of the author and not necessarily those of the funding 'institution or the editors of this work.



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