Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



This Economic Trends report provides a multi-decade look at the economy of the Town of Winthrop. It is hoped that the report will serve as a reference guide for residents, business persons, and policy makers seeking to grow the local economy, using facts and data to help identify strategies and goals for the future.

The report contains information on change in resident population, since residents oftentimes are a natural market for the goods and services provided by businesses within the community; they can also serve as a ready workforce for those businesses. It also looks at the number and type of business establishments in town and the jobs they provide. In the land use chapter, the report discusses where commercial property is located in town and what patterns of land use and parcel size can be identified. Finally, the report describes the results of a business survey that took place in May 2014. The report is divided into four chapters: 1) resident population and labor force;2) local business economy; 3) land use; and, 4) survey results..

Community Engaged/Serving

Part of the UMass Boston Community-Engaged Teaching, Research, and Service Series.



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