Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



In 2000 the Athletics & Recreation Department at UMass Boston Implemented a five year strategic plan that would more realistically align sports sponsorship with available financial and facility resources. We reduced the number of sports sponsored from 20 to 14 maintaining 7 sports for women and 7 sports for men. The only sports maintained without a facility were Men’s baseball and Cross Country Track. We eliminated football, swimming and indoor & outdoor track and field for men and women.

Since 2005 The Athletics & Recreation Department has been focused on University wide transition and planning efforts. In that period we have experienced three changes in the Chancellors office, two changes in Athletics Director Position and our operation has moved from a university department to a university division. We have engaged in university‐wide strategic planning and master planning while redefining the role of athletics within the campus community.

This four year process of transition & planning has been at the same time taxing and invigorating while allowing the Division of Athletics & Recreation, Special Programs & Projects to emerge as a university service entity supportive of the primary mission of the university. The division has engaged in areas of the university heretofore out of its purview. It has established internal and external partnerships that are transformative and beneficial to the entire community.

This report focuses on facilities that will allow for the established partnerships to flourish, that will uphold the new standards for high quality facilities that have been implemented over the last four years on our campus and most importantly this report addresses in a comprehensive way a vision for athletics & recreation at UMass Boston that will put us in the fore front of those institutions that offer athletics & recreation for the purpose of the health and both physical and mental wellness of students, faculty and staff. It does begin with a pride of place.


Committee Charge

  • Develop a vision for Athletics on the UMass Boston campus.
  • Assess the existing facility requirements of UMass Boston’s athletic and recreational programs.
  • Evaluate of the general physical condition and functional appropriateness of all indoor and outdoor facilities.
  • Recommend capital initiatives for meeting future goals and objectives of the University’s athletic and recreational programs.
  • Recommended capital improvements should be formulated within the context of the Campus Master Plan and rooted in the University’s strategic, academic, operational and student life goals.
  • Consider potential impacts to institutional neighbors and the surrounding urban community in the development of new athletic facilities.
  • Lastly, in the course of this work, the Subcommittee will benchmark other peer institutions to gauge where UMass Boston has shortcomings in its athletic/recreational facilities.

The goal of Athletics at UMass Boston is to have the best intercollegiate program in Division III and to provide outstanding recreational facilities that meet the needs and interests of the students, faculty and staff of UMass Boston. The goal of the committee is to address this larger goal through its recommendations to the Master Plan. Work groups were formed to address three main areas: Peer/Aspirant Institution Research, a Core Facility Status/Needs Assessment and a Community Survey. Reporting has been coordinated by the committee chair and staff to the committee.


University of Massachusetts Boston

SurveyRespondentDemographicsSummary_10202009.xls (100 kB)
UMass Boston Athletics and Recreation Facilities Survey

surveymonkeyinfofinal(1).pdf (67 kB)
UMASS Athletic Facility Survey 2009 Results and Conclusions

DMOAssesment.pdf (3843 kB)
UMass Boston Waterfront ‘at a glance’

EEOS Student Presentation Feb 2009.pdf (4863 kB)
A Vision of the UMass Boston Campus: Developing a Relationship with Boston Harbor

WellnessCenterSpacerequestCommittee03-09-reccourts.pdf (19606 kB)
UMass Boston Wellness Center: Providing Wellness related services to current and future campus populations



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