This series of short policy papers on governance and sustainability aims provides analytical input to contemporary political discussions on institutional reform for environment and sustainable development. The issue briefs present analytically grounded and politically plausible reform options that negotiators could consider in the run up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, and beyond.

Editorial Board:
  • Series Editor: Prof. Maria Ivanova
  • Managing Editor: Michael Denney


Occasional Papers


Brief 10: How the United Nations Should Promote the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Kara S. Alaimo


Brief 11: Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals: Moving Beyond Women as a "Quick Fix" for Development, J. Michael Denney


Brief 12: Energy Transitions to Modern Renewables: Context, Barriers, and Promises, Stanislav Vavilov


Brief 1: Financing International Environmental Governance: Lessons from the United Nations Environment Programme, Maria Ivanova


Brief 2: Overcoming Fragmented Governance: The Case of Climate Change and the MDGs, Oran R. Young


Brief 3: Clustering Assessment: Enhancing Synergies among Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Judith Wehrli


Brief 4: Lessons from the Multilateral Trading System for Reforming the Architecture of the International Environmental Regime, Thomas Cottier, Manfred Elsig, and Judith Wehrli


Brief 5: Enhancing Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development: Function-Oriented Options, John E. Scanlon


Brief 6: Environmental Emergencies: Challenges and Lessons for International Environmental Governance, Rene Nijenhuis and Carl Bruch


Brief 7: Building an International Court for the Environment: A Conceptual Framework, Philip Riches and Stuart A. Bruce


Brief 8: International Fisheries Governance that Works: The Case for a Global Fisheries Organization, J. Samuel Barkin and Elizabeth R. DeSombre


Brief 9: UNDP: Reviving a Practical Human Development Organization, Craig N. Murphy and Stephen Browne