One Nurse's Journey to Understanding Burnout

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Nina Greenwald


Burnout is the end result of a process where I, a highly motivated nurse, engaged in my work and lost inspiration for it. Burnout is by definition a syndrome of emotional exhaustion in people who work intensely with others in emotionally charged situations. My participation in the Creative Critical Thinking (CCT) program at the University of Massachusetts Boston awakened a desire in me to search for a deeper understanding of my own experience with burnout. Motivation for the journey was a wish to develop my own company, "Wellinspire," which would help nurses deal with personal wellness. This journey of inquiry led me on an exploration of the literature on burnout, seeking knowledge of key aspects identified, along with possible connections to specific personality characteristics. By reviewing the literature and employing acquired critical thinking abilities of reflection, self assessment, analysis and interpretation, I reached a deeper level of awareness. These CCT abilities are coupled with the use of my intrapersonal intelligence.


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