Three Workshops for Teachers of Math in the Intermediate Grades: Communication, Content, and Kinetic Activities

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Peter Taylor


This synthesis is the product of my reflections, skills, and experiences acquired in the Critical and Creative Thinking coursework. My first hand experience as an elementary math curriculum coordinator and my researching teachers’ stress led me to develop three separate professional development workshops. The first workshop offers strategies and activities for teachers to develop better communication and listening skills within the school community. Teachers will identify, reflect on, provide strategies for, and develop coping skills through activities including the fundamentals of Dialogue, Constructivist Listening, and Strategic Team Building. In the second workshop, teachers explore changes they may need to make to become better teachers. For the elementary math teacher this is examining how they teach as well as what they teach. This workshop provides teachers information from the works of Liping Ma and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Principles and Standards for math. Teachers participate in activities, which model the concept of constructivist learning. The final workshop is designed to enliven lessons for the elementary math class. Teachers will explore how kinetic activities and drama can be incorporated into their math classroom and learn how the power of having fun and playing games in an educational setting can make lessons memorable for the students. During this workshop teachers will develop a kinetic activity based on one of their current lesson plans. These workshops are projects in process. They reflect my spirit to help my teaching colleagues. Evaluations from the participants and my continued refinements will keep these workshops current and meaningful.


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