Integrating Critical and Creative Thinking into Cartoon Animation for Preschool Children

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

John R. Murray


Introducing critical and creative thinking to preschoolers evolved because I found that people usually did not take this notion seriously. Most information focused on older children and research devoted very little effort on them. Preschoolers were a forgotten group. I think they represent a group that could develop and benefit from these ideas without any hesitancy. Nevertheless, how could we develop and mold their intellectual abilities while molding their personalities. Early exposure to critical and creative thinking beliefs helps perfect the notions of listening, play, paying attention and other activities. I reflect on fetal development, sensory experiences, vocal and verbal expressions, and any noteworthy or extraordinary acts of accomplishments. Setting forth theoretical applications, their objectives, and their correlation to choices, play and the effects they have on child development set the framework on developing critical and creative thinkers. Finding meaning, the reasons for finding meaning, and the methods used in understanding what words mean will be one way to guide them through a thought process. The use of a child’s personal experience will provide the mechanism for developing these notions into cartoon animations. This notion to integrate critical and creative thinking ideas into cartoon animations will have early life influences. They learn to find skills and strategies through decision making opportunities. It helps provide a basis for early academic awareness, exposure to alternative perspectives, encouraging experimentation while inspiring confidence.


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