The Impact of Creative Thinking Skills on Classroom Behavior

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The creative thinker has most recently been the topic of many books and studies by educators and psychologists worldwide. A vast literature exists attempting to define and describe creativity. Although numerous definitions exist, Guilford’s conception of creativity has wide acceptance. According to his model, “To be creative . . . means to think in divergent modes, to come up with numerous novel or unique meanings, new or original thoughts, to depart or diverge from usual or conventional ideas”. It is this conception of the process that forms the theoretical framework for this study. To use creativity in real-life problem-solving situations, however, also requires well-developed skills of analysis, inference and judgment. These may be viewed as the final phase of the creative process, the phase of elaborating a plan, or they may be viewed as discreet critical thinking processes. For this study, those skills are seen as the final phase of the creative process, and they are therefore, also a focus of this study. Since most of the literature on the skills of analysis, inference and judgment [...]


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