Student’s Mathematical Thinking and Curriculum Change

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The Practitioner’s Narrative: Student’s Mathematical Thinking and Curriculum Change traces my work with students over a two year period. This work articulates not only the students’ change in disposition toward mathematics but my own transformation in thinking about curriculum development and the role of the teacher. This work had altered my understanding of curriculum development. I used to view curriculum development as a linear process. I now see it as a more complex, spiral, “messy” undertaking. This work documents student growth anecdotally, offering supportive evidence from student pre and post self assessment surveys, and with the subtest data provided in the MEAP Tests, 1996. The practitioner’s narrative includes a final reflective conversation about a shift in my perception of the classroom teacher from the consumer of research generated outside the classroom to the teacher in a new role: teacher-as-researcher within and beyond the classroom. In this conversation, the growth of students’ mathematical thinking over time was discussed and evidence to support the growth was presented from the process folio.


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