Evaluating Different Forms of E-Learning

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Peter Taylor


“The Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT) program at the University of Massachusetts Boston provides its students with knowledge, tools, experience, and support so they can become constructive, reflective agents of change in education, work, social movements, science, and creative arts.” (Critical and Creative Thinking Program 2003). I entered the program as a teacher seeking knowledge on how to better convey learning theories to diverse groups. I also wanted to experience a collaborative atmosphere where I could learn from interacting with peers on how to best promote educational change. Finally, I had a desire to seek insight into the evolution of different forms of learning practices. This paper chronicles key professional events that have evoked questions in respect to how best to create learning material for different audiences. The nature of these events is described as I explain the transition from teacher to corporate trainer and from formal instructor to e-learning and technical course provider. The framework of this paper takes a look at existing theories that one may consider while deciding what forms of content can be successfully provided through e-learning, includes a hypothesis rationalizing which forms of content might be too abstract for online instruction, and clarifies a simple study that was conducted to begin to evaluate different forms of e-learning.


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