A Critical and Creative Thinking Guide to Achieving Success in Coaching

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Delores B. Gallo


In thus Synthesis Project, I have examined key critical and creative thinking skills that I believe to be crucial and beneficial when trying to achieve success in coaching. I have explained my conceptual framework when coaching basketball and my understanding of success. Three personal as well as professional influences are referred to as contributing to my coaching. Finally, I have submitted a brief overview of what you could expect to extract from this Synthesis Project. I have given a clear and concise definition of critical thinking from expert Robert Ennis. I have also thoroughly examined the fourteen dispositions and the different abilities as stated by Ennis. I have thoroughly described four of the six aspects of critical thinking: Language of Thinking, Thinking Dispositions, Transfer and Mental Management, as examined by Shari Tishman, David Perkins and Eileen Jay. I have given the reader an understanding of what vocabulary can be implemented to evoke critical thinking as well as being a model, explaining, encouraging interaction and providing feedback. I have explained what the five thinking dispositions of a good thinker are. Finally I examined how mental management or metacognition, can be beneficial in becoming a good critical thinker. I have thoroughly examined creative thinking as defined by expert Teresa Amabile and have elaborated on her three components of creative thinking; domain-relevant skills, creativity-relevant skills and task motivation. I have also described Maslow’s fifteen characteristics of a self-actualized person and the twelve personality traits of a creative person as examined by Gary Davis. I have examined a few of the qualifications such as education, professional and physical that can contribute to a successful coaching, In doing so I have demonstrated the correlation that exists between a successful coach and being a good critical and creative thinker. Next, I have demonstrated what motivation is and its extrinsic and/or intrinsic contribution to the success in coaching. The reader will extract that psychological aspects such as goal setting, which includes: 1) identifying goals, 2) setting obtainable and realistic goals and 3) evaluating your goals can have a major impact on achieving success in coaching. I have explained the impact Coach John Wooden and his Pyramid of Success has made on my coaching practice, along with my experiences since being enrolled in The Critical and Creative Thinking Program, which have led to my personal development and creation of the 27 Small Practice Details (Habits) That Make A Big Difference. I have thoroughly described for the reader the critical and creative thinking skills I have implemented in my coaching practice and that have helped me achieve success. I advise the reader to build a successful program by developing a general Philosophy, both a Defensive and Offensive Philosophy, Administrative Responsibilities, Hoop Scoops: Keeping Current and 3 Point: The Old Fashioned Way. Finally, I have posed three critical and creative thinking questions to engage the reader in metacognition about their coaching practice.


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