The Impact and Implications of the New Technologies: Educational Imperatives for a New World of Work

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Delores B. Gallo


Using Jeremy Rifkin’s The End of Work and Robert Reich’s The Work of Nations as primary sources, this paper examines the implications of a paradigm shift to a near-workerless world, especially as they relate to education. The paper consists of three chapters: the first chapter gives an historical overview of the Industrial Revolution, which provides a context for discussing the implications of the work of Rifkin and Reich; the third chapter reviews the major implications presented by Rifkin and Reich; the third chapter reviews the major implications as they relate to education. Recommendations for developing a disposition for critical and creative thinking as well as a description of a sub-set of pertinent critical and creative thinking skills is given in chapter three.


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