Facilitating a Learning Work Environment through Teamwork Strategies: One Nurse Manager’s Journey

Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Peter Taylor


Teamwork is the process that occurs when team members work together to achieve mutually agreed upon goals and are mutually accountable for the results. In search of strategies to promote teamwork in nursing, I embarked on a journey of professional development to develop the skills necessary to become an effective facilitator of teamwork. My exploration included review of current literature and participation in experiential workshops in addition to a number of CCT courses. I examined the current literature on shared vision through focused conversations, building of a new work relationship model, the dialogue process, role modeling and mentoring. I chronicled my reflective experiences and insight from participating in the workshops as part of my quest to create a positive work environment through teamwork. The guiding principles and values I have adopted as a foundation for effective teamwork are incorporated in a series of mini-workshop sessions developed for presentation to work groups in order to foster a positive learning work environment.


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