
The Value and Diversity of Indigenous Archaeology: A Response to McGhee

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Robert McGhee (2008) recently argued against the validity and viability of Indigenous archaeology based on claims that untenable "Aboriginalism" supports the entire enterprise. However, he mischaracterizes and simplifies Indigenous archaeology, despite the wealth of literature suggesting that such community approaches have had and will continue to have great value for method, theory, rigorous interpretation, and political value in archaeology. Robert McGhee (2008) se ha manifestado recientemente en contra de la validez y viabilidad de la arqueología indígena alegando que el "aboriginalismo" inalcanzable sostiene toda la empresa. Sin embargo, él malinterpreta y simplifica la arqueología indígena a pesar de que la vasta literatura sobre el tema señala el gran valor que dicho acercamiento comunitario ha tenido y continua teniendo para el método, la teoría, la interpretación rigurosa y la importancia política de la arqueología.


Published in the journal, American Antiquity, by the Society for American Archaeology. DOI: 10.7183/0002-7316.75.2.217.


Society for American Archaeology
