Content Posted in 2010
Crime in the African-American Neighborhood, Alix Cantave Ph.D.
Introduction, Barbara Lewis Ph.D.
Minority Women in the Healthcare Workforce in New England, Carol Hardy-Fanta, Erika Kates, Helen Levine, and Kate Peery-Wolf
Parenting from Prison: Family Relationships of Incarcerated Women in Massachusetts, Erika Kates, Sylvia Mignon, and Paige Ransford
Resources File on Records of Boston Social Welfare Agencies, Elizabeth R. Mock
The Mass. Memories Road Show: a State-Wide Scanning Project, Joanne M. Riley and Heather Cole
The Race Gap: Education of Black Youth in Boston, Alix Cantave Ph.D., Cheryl Holmes Ph.D., and Barbara Lewis Ph.D.
Women in the Down Economy: Impacts of the Recession and the Stimulus in Massachusetts, Randy Albelda and Christa Kelleher
Women of Talent: Gender and Government Appointments in Massachusetts, 2002–2007, Carol Hardy-Fanta and Kacie Kelly
Women’s Municipal Leadership in Massachusetts, Paige Ransford and Miriam Lazewatsky