Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for New England Journal of Public Policy
Include a title page with title, author or authors’ names, a brief affiliation for each author, and an abstract.
Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, and appendixes, as a single-file Microsoft Word document.
Keep formatting to a minimum, using only what is essential to your manuscript.
Use 12 pt. Times Roman for all text; 10 pt. Times Roman for endnotes. (To accommodate wide tables, 8 pt. Times Roman is accepted.)
Double space all type for copy editing of your initial submission. Final articles are single spaced.
Use a single-column layout with a left margin aligned (leave the right margin “ragged”).
Use the tab key to indent all paragraphs except those following a subhead, which should be left aligned. Do not put an extra hard return between paragraphs.
To type block quotations (appropriate for quotations of 100 words or more), use your word processor’s commands for a left margin indent (0.5").
Use your word processor’s insert feature to number pages; do not include headers or footers other than the page numbers.
Language and Grammar
All submissions must be in English. If possible, follow Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition, for spelling and the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, for style. Copy editing will be based on these two sources.
To avoid a choppy appearance, try to limit subheads to one or two levels. Note that if you include one subhead at a particular level, you must have at least one more at the same level.
Tables and Figures
Use tabs, not hard spaces, to define table columns.
Mention all tables and figures in the text with such phrases as “(Table 1)” or “(see Figure 1).”
Cite sources in endnotes based on the style outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, chapter 14, beginning with paragraph 14.68 for humanities-style endnotes. (You may send a bibliography as an aid to copy editing but only the endnotes will be published.)
For samples of endnotes in Chicago’s humanities style, see