

The mass media has said very little about it, but Ron Daniels, an African American, is a presidential candidate. In 1988, Daniels was the southern regional coordinator and deputy campaign manager for Jesse Jackson's campaign. Daniels, a veteran social and political activist as well as former director of the National Rainbow Coalition, declared his candidacy for president at a news conference October 14, 1991.

From 1974 to 1980, Daniels served as president of the National Black Political Assembly and in 1980, he was the chairperson of the founding convention of the National Black Independent Political Party. Daniels was the convener of the African-American Progressive Action Network (AAPAN). He writes a weekly column, Vantage Point, published in more than one hundred African-American and progressive newspapers nationwide.

Daniels delivered a major address at the annual banquet of the Boston Black Political Task Force on July 31, 1992, at Roxbury Community College. It was clear from his remarks as well as from my observations that Daniels is a person of courage, conviction, and confidence.



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