

The recent conviction of sports agents Norby Walters and Lloyd Bloom on charges of racketeering and fraud may hasten the day when college sports will be seen as the businesses they are, and college athletes will be seen as “subminimum-wage” em ployees of these businesses. Certainly, Bloom and Walters are unsavory characters; they are guilty of several criminal activities, including extortion. But what should not go unnoticed is the fact that they were found guilty of committing fraud against colleges because they signed athletes to contracts before their college eligibility was up.

In other sports news, after nine years on the tour, Cheryl Daniels became the first black woman to win a Ladies Professional Bowling Tour (LPBT) title in April of 1989. This personable bowler won two more tournaments in May to establish herself as a top clutch performer. Prior to the creation of the LPBT in 1981 the women’s tour was run by the Women’s Professional Bowling Association, Within that organization Edith Burroughs became the first black to win a national level title when she won in 1979. Thus, there have been only two black women national tour winners.



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