Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



The goals of the IMPACT project are “to improve access to and delivery of human services for low-income residents, strengthen community planning and resource allocation, and enhance understanding of data on homelessness can be gathered and aggregated on local and national levels to accurately capture the scope of the problem and the effectiveness of efforts to ameliorate it.”

The Center for Social Policy (CSP), McCormack Institute at the University of UMass Boston was commissioned to produce a series of evaluation reports of the IMPACT project; this is the second of three reports covering year two activity of the IMPACT. The Year One report focused on processes in place to implement the project. This report (year Two) continues to look at processes but now also starts to assess progress towards outcomes. The overall evaluation focuses on three broad categories: (1) information and referral, (2) case management, and (3) community planning.


Part 2 of 3 evaluation reports.

For the Year One Evaluation Report, see:

For the Final Evaluation Report, see:



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