Date of Completion


Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

First Advisor

Nina Greenwald


We constantly come across problems or challenges that have no predetermined answer or solution. Perseverance is a very important disposition that makes us persist in the search of something we have started. I believe that people who want to persevere not only need to be motivated but, more importantly, they need to understand what it takes to persevere or, in other words, know how to persevere. Developing strategies to face and overcome confusion, obstacles, and frustrations is needed for learning. The teaching of Intellectual Perseverance is frequently taken for granted or not taught appropriately. Attitudes, dispositions, and habits of mind needed to persevere, should be explored, discussed, experienced, and specifically taught in school and at home. This synthesis presents a transition book called "PER-SE-VERE" for children between 5- 8 years old. It focuses on the acquisition of tools for developing Intellectual Perseverance. The book, included in draft form here, is an essential toolbox designed to help parents, teachers and children reflect on their perceptions and beliefs about Intelligence, Learning, Success, Failure, Effort, and the way they face challenging situations. A printed copy of the book and an audio version are available on request.


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